How does your garden grow?

It’s almost trite for a poet to have a garden, the seed being the original metaphor and all. I don’t grow anything practical. I used to grow tomatoes until I battled with a fungus of some kind and lost three years in a row. I grow flowers. Two, now three beds of perennials. It is 8:30 and now is the best time to put in new plants, when the sun is still stretching and the temperature is low. I don’t like sweating in the high heat hours, but I have to confess that I like the feeling of the warm dirt on my knees. It is more comforting than flannel sheets, as soothing as a backrub.

Kelly started a blog last night. I read it and it made me cry and served as a reminder of how important it is to jot down memories before they go the way of the morning dew.

One response to “How does your garden grow?”

  1. Kelly W. says:

    Thanks Mom for the plug.
    Maybe I’ll have a garden too someday!
    Stay cool.

    My blog site is

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