Wattsburg Elementary , Erie PA

This is a happening place, students were active in a common area making little literacy bags to hold their books and their journals and pencils. NO DIBELS at this school, hooray! Toward the end of the day, at the beginning of a writing workshop with the second grade, one girl looked at me and said, “You look tired.”
“I am sweetie, I guess I better put my lipstick on.”
A second girl responded reassuringly, “You’ll be okay if you comb your hair.”
I’ve been laughing about it ever since.

Also, I received a fun poem from a second grade teacher, Stacey Mattocks — no, she was NOT grading papers during the assembly (highly discouraged) — she began shaping a poem (very much encouraged). Michael wanted to know where I was stashing the cash if it was true that I make her entire salary working a few days a month. I wish! I also sometimes wish for a retirement program and health insurance, but that’s another story. Here’s Stacey’s poem, which I was honored and delighted to receive.

We had an author come to our school today.
I hit my knees and just had to pray —

Cuz I’ve sat through these dry, agonizing assemblies before.
I guess I’m prepared to endure one more.

Had to drag my class to the auditorium and find each child a seat —
Waiting for this Sara Holbrook whom we were supposed to meet.

She came out on stage with a microphone in hand,
To my surprise she wasn’t even that stuffy, boring or bland.

Soon I felt a tiny giggle start to bubble within
Then a real live laugh, a few snorts and then a big grin.

Her enthusiasm for poetry was so inspiring,
I started to play with some words on a page and it wasn’t even that tiring.

She probably only has to work a few days a month — golly gee
To make my whole year’s salary.

Now I’m convinced!! A poet I’ll be . . .
No more lesson plans or paper correcting for me . . .

After all, I’m a Sara Holbrook want to be!!!

Watch out for me, I’ll be signing books too,
After all, I found out today that poets are really cool.

by Stacey Mattocks
2nd grade teacher

4 responses to “Wattsburg Elementary , Erie PA”

  1. Kelly W. says:

    I’m a “Sara-Holbrook-wanna-be” too!
    Great poem.

  2. Anonymous says:

    What’s a DIBEL?

  3. Ahh — DIBELS is a frightful program that is a frequent component of the No Child Left Behind Act compliance procedures. It tests children as young as Kindergarten to see how many nonsense syllables they can read in one minute, holding a stop watch. Read an article by an expert, Ken Goodman. I also put the link at the heading of this post.

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