Sara Kelly Lufkin

Born November 11, 2006 at 4:59 pm. Weight: 4 lbs. 9 oz. (tiny baby!). She joins mom and dad (Katie and Doug) and her big sister Steph and brother Scott (aka Scooter).

She was anxious to make her arrival and check-in several weeks early, but Sara Kelly is eating and breathing at the same time and I’m sure, dancing in place.

I say I am sure because although she is living and breathing a mere few miles from here, I HAVE YET TO SEE HER AND HOLD HER! This is a minor tragedy for me, but a good thing for her as I have been sick sick for over a week and no granana would go and breathe germs on such a precious little bundle. I will undoubtedly make up for lost time as soon as it is safe for her to camp out in my arms.

Lights blue-bright, I squint
and hear a familiar voice.
This is life outside.

8 responses to “Sara Kelly Lufkin”

  1. Katie Lufkin says:

    Thanks mom, she’s doing great. She can’t wait to meet her granana either. Kisses, hope NCTE is going well. Miss you.

    I want a copy of that poem, painted or something for her room. It’s beautiful. Did you write it just now…or is it a repeat?

  2. Charles says:

    Congrats on the grandbaby and what an honor it must be to have your granddaughter named after you, what that shows to me is the deep love and respect your daughter and son-in-law have for you. By the way that’s a great senryu, I agree with your daughter that poem should be painted on the wall of little Sara’s room or something. This is why you’re one of my favorite poets.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I have a wonderful new grandson also. He was born Aug. 11, 2006. He is my first and I love him dearly. We will spend time with him and mom and dad over Thanksgiving. Have fun with yours!!
    SUzanne Bond

  4. Anonymous says:

    i hate poetry

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hey what it be yo! any ways i just wanted to say that the baby is as cute as it can be.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hi im Dakota Workman….like your comming to my school tomarrow.

    me and my homie ryan are gonna yell out “YOUR AWESOME!!!” ^_^

    I absolutely love your poems “Ducking out” and “Walking on the boundaries of change”
    they really made me think about my life


    I really cant wait to see you tomarrow

    Laterzzzzz:Dakota “Koko” Workman

    (o.0) BUNNY
    (> <)

  7. Anonymous says:

    hey mrs. holbrook, we are very excited for u to come wkms and can’t wait to see you, you have very good poerty and your books are great. we have been doing research on you and you have a very cute granddaughter but anyways you are going to have a lot of blogs and i think ur children are very pretty and i love poerty people are very rude these days don’t you think but anyways i have to get back to research…..see u tomorrow(can’t wait)

    we love you
    hugs and kisses

  8. Anonymous says:

    To whom this may concern,

    Your poems make me feel good that showing real life deals.
    You will be coming to our school tommorrow and we will be looking forward and autographs. Tonight I have a cutting heads duel with my father and we play each other in guitar to see who is the best. This is the time you give me the magical powers of poetry to help me.


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