Category Archives: Uncategorized

Doppler Effects

And this was not the worst of it.  This was just what was still in the skies at 4AM this morning.  It is almost cheating to fall back on writing about the weather, but jeez louise, what a night!





The Ride

The Ride

you’ve climbed the hill

to see
the view,

slid down the other side,

you’ve skinned both knees,


cracked your helmet twice,

you’ve tasted the rush

passing through

front, behind, beside,



Day 2 of my week long personal poetry challenge.

Let me just point out that this is not poetry month.  It is not write a novel in a month month, and it is not even the week taxes are due, which historically has been a

Writing from the Outside In

There are no less than six books titled Writing from the
Inside Out, probably more.  The phrase is
so universally accepted, it’s almost embarrassing to raise my hand and say,
Yeah, but . . .

Yeah, but that’s not the way I write.  My writing process goes

Crime and Punishment in Bay Village, OH

Following the Michael Brown tragedy, people have been talking a lot about privilege.
Well, folks, this video is what the voice of privilege looks/sounds like when the speaker thinks only the like-minded are in the room.  The voices who see themselves as physically, financially, racially, mentally superior. Those

Fear, Courage, and Poetry

Janet Wong and Sylvia Vardell, the creators of The Poetry Friday Anthology for Middle School, have designed the coolest image to go with my poem Fear Factor.  It is just the right resource for sharing poetry throughout the year.

They have also given me permission to share the Take 5 lesson

Back to School Poem Handout for Middle School

What follows is a rip off, plain and simple.  Michael White, whoever you are, there are copyright laws written to prevent you doing exactly what you did, copy my poems and put them on the internet.
That said, I kind of like your discussion questions, if they are indeed discussion questions.  I like the

Vacation Poem and Reflections

“Granana, do you think we will ever take that vacation again?”

I was tucking 9 year-old Thomas into bed at home after our road trip that had taken him, his two brothers Ben (14) and Danny (10), me and Michael to

A Cause and Effect Poem: Cooperation

Lurking on #IRAChat about cause and effect, I thought of this poem.
Cause and effect brings its consequences from world politics (you kill my people, I hate you and do my best to kill your people), to Main Street (you cheat me, I don’t return to your store) right home to

Creative Grades

Creative Grades

Creative does,

‘though not what’s told,

a student

who is not enrolled

in graduated, chaptered classes,

where mindful competition passes

for excellence.

His recompense

is not achieved

by others brandishing respect.
