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and when you turn off the paved road

I once received directions to a school in southern Ohio that read: Take the interstate to the state route, turn onto the county road, when you get into town turn right at the stop sign. No matter what the street name, there’s only one stop sign. The last sentence began, and when you

Thunderbird Falls

Thunderbird Falls
Friday we went out fishing. Let me clarify that. Michael fished at Ship Creek and I napped in the car. After a few hours there, we went exploring north east of Anchorage around the Eagle River. We hiked up to Thunderbird Falls.
Michael was disappointed to

Anrchorage, Janet Allen Institutes Goodbye

And it ended with a poem
The Janet Allen Literacy Institutes, so much a part of my life for the last nine years, are now officially over. I have made life long colleagues and the skeleton staff that was here in Anchorage toasted the good learning times that we have had together. Anne

Friday, the last day. Debbi and I cruise some neighborhoods to look for Gran’s trailer park and the high school where Hector and Hannah go to school. We drive through some parks and decide they are a little too scrappy – Gran wouldn’t live there. Or there. Finally, we find the

My picture of the wall didn’t turn out — found this one on the internet. It is 14 feet tall, very ugly rusted metal. The crosses commemorate deaths. 

trash hidden in a nest under a mesquite tree in the national park 

Debbi McCullough’s dolls commemorating migrant deaths in the desert 


Today Hannah went to court to support two Samaritans who were recently arrested for assisting 3 immigrant travelers who they found in the desert suffering bloody stools and hallucinations – late stage dehydration. After consulting with a physician by phone, they were taking the travelers to the hospital and were stopped by border guards

Ed leads us on a path used by migrants to cross the AZ desert and mountains 

Arizona border home with razor wire around it.