What does poetry do, really?

That was a question from a third grader at Edgewood Elementary today. I responded that I think that poetry brings folks together. I’m open for other responses if anyone reading this has a better one.
The fourth grade hallway at Edgewood was covered in red paper painted to look like brick. The

Clinton-Massie Middle School

Okay, how cool is this? I walked into the school and looked down and realized I was walking on poems written by CMMS kids and published in sidewalk chalk all over the place. One that sticks in my mind was an angry poem that involved finger pinching of a sister and some other


Lunch with students at Waynesville Middle School. I told them about a story I’d heard on the radio driving down – about the schools in New York City where they were cancelling recess for elementary kids, not temporarily but permanently, as a way to help kids prepare for proficiency tests. The kids had

MCTE Bright Ideas Conference

Now, this really is a bright idea — hold a conference for pre-service teachers that patterns itself off of a reading or english conference so that students get in the groove of being lifelong learners before they graduate. Let them see how cool it is to exchange ideas through poster sessions, to present and


Okay, I filed another extension on my taxes. Every year I say I’m going to get in under the wire and every year…but this year (with a lot of help from Kelly) was soooooo close.
Kelly was very motivated since she was working against a bigger, more important deadline: TODAY IS THE

Marysville, OH

Marysville, OH is home to (among many other things) a large Honda plant and the only (that I’ve noticed) Japanese language television station in the midwest making it a small town with an international flavor.
I remember growing up with very little exposure to the outside world, thinking that anything foreign was, well, so FOREIGN.

morning walk reflections

I seem to be gaining back an hour a day in my sleep patterns — today I slept in until 4:30 AM. I’m kind of liking this early morning routine I’ve heard others talk about and have often been too snoozy to explore on my own.
what’s coming — Walked to the gas station

Mill Valley Elementary, Marysville OH

Wow! Mill Valley did such a fantastic job of tying my visit directly into the curriculum needs of the school, I just have to talk about it. The halls of the building were lined with artwork and kids’ poetry generated in response to my books, which means when I arrived, kids were armed with

coming home on a jet plane

Coming home on a jet plane can be a lot more complicated than leaving on one. It is 3AM, I am back in OH and rather enthusiasitically jet lagged — as opposed to exhaustedly jet lagged which I will be at 3PM later this afternoon if I don’t get back to sleep.

same same, but different

Caltex International School is one school with two campasses, Duri being the northern brother. The kids were so excited for a day of poetry, they managed to sit through two one hour sessions — one hour with me presenting and one hour with them writing. Ideas were just spilling out all over the