Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Sparrow has Landed

Ben arrives for Granny Camp. Next stop, Tucson.We’d like to thank our sponsors: Kid provided by Kelly & Brian WeistTransportation provided by Continental airlines.Good weather provided by Mother Nature.Headline and photos provided by Salinger.

Batter Up!

Back in the day, when Scottie was two, he knew how to grip the bat, address the T, smack the ball, drop the bat and run in a circle. He had the game down. Granted, there were some nuances to learn, a batter’s glove, cleats and hat to acquire, but he evidenced a deep understanding

Dreams take the day’s events, twist and bend, turn and tumble with hopes, dreads, obsessions and skinny-eyed suspicions. Presto! Out comes a distortion, not really real, but a temporary living space, sometimes more memorable than the day itself.
Almost anything seems possible at 3AM, almost any dread seems probable. And if floundering around in possible

A Kiss is Just a Kiss . . . (cue orchestra)

When the suitcases come down from the attic, when the bike comes out of the garage, when one of us goes searching for car keys or a water bottle, we meet for an exchange of lips. Just in case the plane goes down, the kid texting on his cell doesn’t see the cyclist, the car

Death of a Loved One: Day 29

There are no words.
So many notes, books, poems all offered with genuine, hopeless chagrin: There are no words . . . Still we seek to find them. In many ways we are recrafted by each death – how we place our feet on the floor the morning after on foreign carpet fibers and confront

Screen Staring

Screen staring is not writing. It is not research. It is reading every news report you do and mostly do not need to know (cute animal videos, a cure for graduation blues, the size of Angelina’s bump) and then re-reading them. It occasionally involves scrabble or other time sucking games, definitely involves graphics, shopping for

Head to Head Haiku at Bay Middle

The haiku poetspeaks sincerely into the mike,holds heart in clenched fist

The Haiku emceeinvites the poets to bowfrom waist in respect

Each greeting is met
with reverberating gong
as the poets bow.

The audience issilent as the fallen snow.Words glisten. Applause!

Haiku takes a hike at Bay Middle

Says it all about the end of the school year, eh? Wednesday and Thursday Michael and I hiked and wrote with the Bay Middle School sixth grade as part of an outdoor experience planned for the last full week of the school year. I have written countless poems during and after hiking around the

Granny Camp

“It was my Granny who taught me to sew. . .” That’s a line from a poem I wrote years ago watching Kelly and Katie grow up with so many more opportunities than my Granny had. Granny had 9 grandchildren, first a group of us six girls and then Uncle Bobby FINALLY married and

Conneaut Schools

The kids at Lakeshore and Gateway Schools in Conneaut, OH were prepped and hoppin’ ready for poetry when I arrived this week. One teacher commented (caringly) that I must have my “gameface” on to be there working with the kids considering the tragic circumstances of these last weeks. And to tell the