October 20, 2010
Sara Holbrook author/poet/educator
October 20, 2010
October 13, 2010
Michael found this and I am pasting it right in here because we are THIS excited about our book club discussion about our new book on the English Companion Ning. If you are teacher and you haven’t seen all the great resources available on this ning go there adn check it out! Developed
October 13, 2010
I took this picture with my cellphone about a week ago beside the driveway. It was the first week of October and this stubborn little dandelion wasn’t being shy at all about crashing fall. Not a bit. And I’ve been wracking my brain to find this poem about dandelions standing
October 11, 2010
Where were you on 10/10/10? This seems like an important date, and I almost missed it. I mean, I was here, but where was I? In computer update limbo. Kicking with my software. Holed up in front of this blinking cursor. What kind of a memory is that?
A big date
October 9, 2010
CommentI NEED A JOBThe Great RecessionorThe Great Depression?To just one does not all credit go.ChangedGreat Recession has affected way in which we live.Tryfinding wordsthat describe goals,plans.We want jobs now.
I’m not usually into these things, but this one kind of jumped off the pages of the Lake County Herald.
October 8, 2010
The Garden’s Fall
So this is what
it comes to
after all.
The promise of spring now
stacked sticks,
twisted vines,
faded blossoms,
all cracking up over lost suppleness.
Past the point of usefulness.
After all those phases of the moon,
the sun and rain,
the hosings and the horse manure.
October 6, 2010
Mushrooms in the garden?
Mushrooms in the grass?
Mushrooms in the trees?
Is this too much to ask?
Stop raining?
And those pictures are just from one half-mile walk around the block. Cleveland! Gotta love it.
October 5, 2010
Fierce is a 3 lb 8 oz dogwhoshivering with righteous fury,tethered by a thread,ears at attention,chin extended into a relentless chain of scalp-tightening yelps,stands up to the back side of an overstuffed cable man,head under the tent of his truck,before returning home torelease one more harbored huff of indignationas she settles in by the
September 17, 2010
Four years in the writing, more in the research. So much time and yes, fun, in the making. Finally!
September 9, 2010
Book smart = street dumb
This thinking is ubiquitous in too many of our upper schools. Smart is stupid, dumb is good. To mark the depth of this river, all you need to do is walk in the door. Ivory towers. Sissies. Nerds. Society just doesn’t give that much respect